Accommodation rent range can vary between $500-$1000. It mainly depends on the area and how many people are sharing the house/apartment and utilities. There are many landlords that rent houses by room, or you can find a group of students/professionals and sign a lease together. There is a uOttawa off-campus housing websites where students and landlords post ads for rooms, most of the ads are in areas around main campus or RGN.
We will list down the areas and the rent ranges near uOttawa, and put some links to help as well :)
Sandy hill and Centertown are in downtown, and they have better access to shops, supermarkets and transportation. They are more lively neighborhoods, with shops open till later at night. Sandy hill is where the main campus is, so you can take the shuttle bus to the lab and the bus is very regular during the weekdays. The rent range in Sandy hill varies, but you can find a room with $500 all included in a shared house.
Another good option is Lees Avenue, you can find 2- or 3-bedroom apartments between $1200-$1800, so finding roommates to share the apartment would be more budget friendly. There are ‘student attracting’ buildings: 170, 180, and 190 Lees Avenue. They all have apartments for rent. The uOttawa shuttle bus also stops there, as there is a uOttawa campus in Lees Avenue. There is also a train station right across from these buildings (Lees station, O-train Line 1).
If you would like to live at a walking distance from Roger Guindon Hall (RGN, where Faculty of Medicine is), you can check the Alta Vista Towers. The rent range is similar to Lees avenues, and the walk to lab would be around 15-20 min to lab (It would be tougher during the winter, not impossible though, but there is a bus stop as well). You can also rent a room in a shared house around the area, but they are more expensive. The range mainly between $600-1000 per room in a shared house. The area is very close to Walmart and other stores as well, around 15 min walking. The neighborhood is very quiet too, but less accessible to transportation compared to downtown and Lees (especially later at night).
There are also student residences that are on the higher end (starts at 1000 for a shared apartment, can go up to $1500 if you rent a studio by yourself) like Liv, Theo, and 1eleven. Theo and 1eleven are both in Sandy hill and Centertown, respectively.
That’s a brief overview of the places for accommodation. To begin your accommodation hunt check these websites:
uOttawa off-campus housing billboard: https://web5.uottawa.ca/rezweb/search.php
you can specify the area you are looking for a room in, the places I mentioned above would be in Zones: 1, 3, 6
Facebook groups and marketplace, tons of ads!